The Story Teller
Our principal, Christopher Reardon, is an accomplished business communications professional with more than 30 years experience in both the corporate environment and as a service provider. As such, he has a full understanding of the business arena, with all its complexities and challenges and is adept at creating messaging for clients that resonates with their target audience.
Chris is a graduate of Northwestern University with a degree in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism. He also is a published fiction writer – a story teller. He combines his two styles of writing – business and fiction – to create a voice that sets him apart from the chorus. This makes our story telling for our clients unique and effective.
Our clients span all business sectors, as well as the nonprofit, education and publishing arenas. We work with sole proprietors, small and medium-sized businesses and corporations. Our niche is the business or nonprofit not large enough to have a communications team in house or one in which that team is in need of outside assistance. Our belief is that a perfect client is any business of any size in any sector that needs help telling their story.

Sectors Served
- Accounting
- Architecture
- Banking
- Business Consulting
- Business Products
- Chambers of Commerce
- Collections
- Commercial Printing and Paper
- Commercial Real Estate and Property Management
- Construction
- Disaster Recovery
- Education
- Fire Safety
- Flooring
- Finance
- Food and Beverage
- Health Care
- Home Repair
- Insurance
- International Commerce
- Interior Design
- IT Support
- Law
- Lighting
- Logistics
- Massage Therapy
- Mediation
- Municipal
- Nonprofit
- Office Solutions
- Pleasure Crafts
- Publishing
- Special Education
- Telecom
- Title Search
- Voice, Data and Security
- Warehousing
- Wealth Management